Search Results
The 19th Causse Otology Course - Lecture Middle Ear Implants Thibaud Dumon
The 18th Causse Otology Course Live Surgery Vibrant Soundbridge middle ear implantation
The 19th Causse Otology Course - Lecture: Otoendoscopy vs Microscope David Bowdler
The 19th Causse Otology Course - Live Surgery: Revision Ossiculoplasty with TORP insertion
17th Causse Otology Course June 25-27 2015 - Lecture: BAHA and PONTO Thibaud Dumon
The 18th Otology Course Lecture Implantable hearing devices State of the Art Thibaud Dumon
The 19th Causse Otology Course - Lecture: Ossiculoplasty Why Bother ? Chris Aldren
The 18th Causse Otology Course Lecture Biomaterials in Tympanoplasty and Ossiculoplasty
17th Causse Otology Course June 25-27 2015 Surgery PONTO Implantation Thibaud Dumon
The 19th Causse Otology Course Lecture Type 1 Tympanoplasty Marc Bassim
The 19th Causse Otology Course June 29-July 1, 2017 – Live Surgery: Tympanoplasty
The 18th Causse Otology Course 2016 Live Surgery Total Ossicular chain reconstruction Thibaud Dumon